Vision Board 2019

Vision Board 2019 

A 7-day Challenge (January 6-12, 2019) to Create Your Vision Board and Meet Your 2019 Goals with Jupiter in Sagittarius

How was your 2018? Did you achieve your goals? If you're like 99% of people, chances are you didn't meet even a fraction of your 2018 New Year's resolutions. 

The reason is simple: we humans are not very good at creating powerful visions that are aligned with our calling and with our life path. A powerful vision that will help you achieve your highest potential is nothing like "I want to quit smoking", "I want to lose 30 pounds" or, "I want to make more money". 

Think about it. Do you really believe your life purpose is to quit drinking or to do more exercise? You don't need me to tell you that you're here for something greater than that. Yes, exercising more can be a step towards your vision, but it's not your vision. A vision is a powerful statement with which you resonate with every fiber of your being. When you set the right vision, you will know it.

Let's make 2019 the year when you finally set the right vision and meet your goals, with the help of a vision board and under the beneficial beams of Jupiter in Sagittarius! 

What is Vision Board 2019 With Jupiter In Sagittarius?

Vision Board 2019 With Jupiter In Sagittarius is a 7-day challenge to help you create a vision board that is aligned not only with goals and dreams, but also with your natal chart and with the powerful astrological transits of 2019. When you align yourself with your inner GPS and with the GPS of the world, you become unstopable! 

Why a vision board with Jupiter in Sagittarius? 

Jupiter is the most beneficial planet in the sky, and it's known for bringing growth, opportunities and luck. Jupiter stays 1 year in each sign, which makes Jupiter cycles best for one-year resolutions.  

Sagittarius is the visionary of the zodiac. The symbol of Sagittarius is an arrow, or an archer who shoots the arrow to the stars. Sagittarius aims for something greater than him or herself.  

In 2019, Jupiter is in its domicile in Sagittarius, which means this transit will bring the best out of Jupiter. Jupiter is in Sagittarius only one year out of 12, so 2019 is your opportunity to set a vision that is truly aligned with your potential and with your life's purpose.  

Imagine yourself one year from now. It's 31 December 2019. Do you feel guilt and remorse that 2019 was yet another year when you haven't done much? Or do you feel engaged, inspired and fulfiled because you've made the right decisions and said yes to the right opportunities?  

Imagine being able to effortlessly meet your goals, because these goals are motivating you, because they make sense to you, because they just 'feel right'. Imagine being able to see the right opportunities and to say YES to what Jupiter has in store for you in 2019.  

All you have to do is to accept the challenge, enroll in the Vision Board 2019 With Jupiter In Sagittarius course, watch the videos, do the exercises, and BAM! in one week you'll have your vision board for 2019 completed. And not just a vision board, but a vision board that is fully aligned with your highest potential. 

What's Inside The Course?

6 Course Modules

Each module consists of videos, presentations and text transcripts. You will learn key insights about how to create a powerful vision board, as well as astrological insights about Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Guided Exercises 

You will complete exercises and assignments for each module of the course. These exercises will come with specific instructions so you can select relevant images for your vision board.

Community Support

You get access to a private Facebook group so you can share your experiences, ask questions, and support other members. This is optional, but highly recommended.


Q: What do I need for the vision board? 

We start the course on January 6th, 2019, and that's when you will get all the details you need. You can prepare yourself by collecting materials you may need to create the board: a blank poster or a piece of cardboard (that's going to be your board), old magazines, pictures, scissors, glue or tape. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can also create a digital vision board. I personally recommend creating a 'real' vision board, by hand, but it's totally up to you.

Q: Should I think about my vision?

Please don't. 'Thinking' engages your lower, Mercury mind, and while Mercury is great for every-day problem solving, it's not that great for visioning. So you don't want to 'think' about your vision. The process of creating a vision board is about engaging the right hemisphere of your brain, that is connected with your intuition and with the big-picture thinking. That's Jupiter. Wait until the course starts before thinking about your vision.

Q: Is this a course about how to create a vision board or about astrology?

Both. You can expect about 60% astrology, and 40% details on how to create your vision board. You will learn not only how to build a vision board, but also about the role Jupiter and Sagittarius play in your natal chart. In addition, you will get a forecast about how Jupiter in Sagittarius will influence you in 2019, based on your Ascendant sign. All the exercises and the astrological information is intertwined - you will basically select the images for your board based on the astrological information in this course! 

Q: How does the course work?  

You enroll in the course now and (optionally) already start collecting materials for your board. The course starts on January 6th, 2019, when we have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. This New Moon / Eclipse is a powerful time for manifestation, so you want to make sure you go through the first module of the course then. Starting with January 6th, 2019, each day you will receive a lesson that will provide you with astrology insights about your chart, based on which you will collect relevant images for your board.  

Q: What if I don't like it?

We are very proud of the quality of this course. We ran the course last year and 97% of the students loved it, and most importantly, got amazing results. In case the course is not the right fit for you, you have a 30-day money back guarantee. To qualify for a refund, you need to send us a picture with your vision board completed.  

Course Details And Timeline

January 6, 2019

MODULE 1: Welcome to Vision Board 2019 and Image Collection Phase I

  • The science behind vision boards and what role your neocortex, limbic, and reptilian brain play in vision setting
  • The overall themes of Jupiter in Sagittarius and why now is the best time to create a vision board
  • An exercise to help you select the first images for your vision board

January 7, 2019

MODULE 2: Jupiter In Your Chart and Image Collection Phase II

  • The key characteristics of Jupiter in astrology, and why Jupiter is connected to visioning and goal-setting
  • What role Jupiter plays in your natal chart
  • An exercise to help you select the next images for your vision board

January 8, 2019

MODULE 3: Sagittarius In Your Chart and Image Collection Phase III

  • The key qualities of Sagittarius, and why Sagittarius (or the Archer) always aims for the highest ideals
  • What role Sagittarius plays in your natal chart 
  • An exercise to help you select the next images for your vision board

January 9, 2019

MODULE 4: Jupiter In Sagittarius Transit and Image Collection Phase IV

  • The meaning of Jupiter's transit in Sagittarius and the power of 12-year Jupiter cycles
  • What opportunities Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring you in 2019, based on your Ascendant sign
  • An exercise to help you select the next images for your vision board

January 10, 2019

MODULE 5: Create Your 2019 Vision Board 

  • Put all the pieces of the puzzle together and create your board 
  • A 7-step exercise to help you connect the dots so you can create a vision that is aligned with your purpose
  • You have 2 days ( January 10 and January 11) to create your vision board!

January 12, 2019

MODULE 6: How To Turn Your Vision Into Measurable Goals

  • Why visioning is not enough and what do you need to do to turn your vision into reality 
  • A powerful visualization exercise that will dramatically increase the power of your vision board  
  • How to turn your vision into measurable goals with the help of astrology transits and cycles

SORRY, the enrollment closed 
