Transgenerational Astrology

Decoding family patterns through generations

Transgenerational astrology looks at how family patterns and themes are passed down across 3 or 4 generations, using astrological tools like birth charts, planetary transits, and cycles.  

Sigmund Freud said that the key to understanding oneself is hidden under your mother's pillow.

Transgenerational Astrology goes a step further, arguing that the key lies in your great-grandmother's family heirlooms.

While it's true that our parents have a direct influence on our lives and sense of self, if we want to get to the root of our challenges, we must look beyond simply addressing our parental issues.

It's crucial to understand how our parents' own unresolved issues, inherited from their parents, have been transmitted to us - and more importantly, WHY this transgenerational transfer occurs.

You are a small doll in a bigger doll (parent) in a bigger doll (grandparent) in a bigger doll (great-grandparent). Your personal story is shaped by your parents' experiences, which are part of your larger family history.

When we study 3 to 4 generations in our family, we uncover patterns that we cannot see - or cannot fully grasp - from examining our parents alone.

Transgenerational astrology helps us understand how personality traits, behaviors, traumas, and gifts are passed down through generations. Just like DNA, these patterns can be recognized through repeating placements, repeating aspects, or repeating planetary degrees in our family members' charts.

"Transgenerational Astrology" is a 4-module program where you will learn how to 'untangle the knot' of family dynamics and uncover the deeper patterns at play.

In the program, we will use a 4-step framework that will help you understand and interpret these patterns:

  • The ancestral triangle formed by the 4th, 8th, and 12th house
  • How the 12th house influences our identity (1st house)
  • The Sun, Moon, and Saturn as key family astrology archetypes
  • The influence of the Lunar Nodes and nodal aspects
  • The 4th house, the genogram, and the *astrogenogram*
  • The 8th house, Pluto, and family secrets
  • The "Anniversary syndrome" or repeating dates and cycles in the lineage
  • Transgenerational patterns - placements, aspects, and planetary degrees
  • Case studies - The Royal Family, the Kennedys + many other client examples

The "Transgenerational Astrology" program combines the tools and insights of transgenerational psychology with the wisdom of astrology and planetary cycles.

With every module, we will go one layer deeper, and by the end of the program, the puzzle pieces of your family's story will fall into place.

"Transgenerational Astrology" is a 4-module framework that helps you uncover hidden patterns in your lineage


You and your place in the family tree

YOU: how your ancestors' legacies (12th house) are reflected in your identity (1st house)

  • Introduction to the 'Ancestral Triangle'
  • The 12th house, the 1st house, and your projected identity
  • The story of your first name
  • Parental planetary cycles
  • The Sun and the Moon in parental dynamics
  • Saturn and the family tree


Your family narrative

YOUR FAMILY: the 'known' narrative as reflected by the 4th house and the family tree (genogram)

  • The 4th house and the IC
  • The South Node and South Node aspects
  • Build your family tree (genogram) and find repeating patterns
  • Build your *astrogenogram* and find correlations between the genogram patterns and repeating placements, aspects and degrees in your family members' charts
  • Examples and case studies


Family secrets and repeating patterns

FAMILY SECRETS: uncover hidden influences in your ancestral lineage

  • The 8th house and Pluto
  • The "Anniversary syndrome" - how significant life events often recur at similar times or ages across the family
  • "Trigger" placements and aspects in the family tree
  • Synastry and one-on-one family dynamics
  • Transits and planetary cycles


Breaking the transgenerational cycle

BREAKING THE CYCLE: identify elements of your chart that reveal the unique role you play

  • The Midheaven, Sun and North Node
  • Chiron - or how to transcend generational patterns
  • Healing tools and completion rituals
  • Chart configurations and aspects that unveil your higher purpose within your family narrative
  • Examples and case studies

Transgenerational astrology can help you:

  • Gain a deep understanding of inherited patterns and behaviors and recognize that it's neither just you nor them - it's the generational matrix with its unique flow of energies
  • Explore the 'parental project' - your family's aspirations and desires projected onto your identity
  • Understand the root cause or triggering points behind repeating life circumstances, illnesses, relationship patterns, or hidden gifts
  • Learn how to break the generational cycle and release patterns that no longer serve you; heal unresolved issues, find completions, and sever the energetic umbilical cord that binds you to default family modes
  • Discover your unique potential - you're more than just a carbon copy of DNA; you can pave your own path distinct from your family history
  • Fulfill your purpose not only despite - but also thanks to - your family legacy, by uncovering the hidden gifts and treasures in your lineage's metaphorical hope chest

Watch the video below for a brief introduction to transgenerational astrology and the program content 👇

What's Inside The Program?

4 Program Modules

The 4 teaching modules consist of video lessons + transcripts and cheat sheets. Modules are released weekly on Mondays; you can go through the content anytime.

Assignments and Exercises

You will complete different exercises and assignments for each module to apply the concepts studied and integrate the insights into your own family dynamics.

Q&A calls (recorded)

There are 8 Q&A calls to learn from actual examples and from other people's questions.

Community Support

You can use the comment section to ask questions, share your experiences and learn from other students.

Our previous "Transgenerational Astrology" students loved the program.

Here is some feedback:

"This is one of the most incredible things I've done in my life"

"Absolutely fascinating and making me full of urge to dive in my own family. So healing…"

"I liked all modules as they blend astrology with other sciences. This program helped me start this process of looking beyond my own chart for answers, or perspectives about my complex family. As I progress, I know it will help me understand their traumas"  

"The material in this class is AMAZING! My mind was blown after the first module. Even those that don't have an advanced knowledge of Astrology can follow the material. Thank you!"       

"Really enjoyed the Transgenerational Course. I cannot emphasize enough how the material has helped me make sense of some family traumas so I can finally find a way to make peace with them and move on. That is the goal, right?"  

"I had already done some ancestry/astrology research but this clarified things and gave me a structure/framework with which to go forward."

"This was an amazing class. I got validation for the types of relationships I've experienced and seen or sensed in my family; this has been particularly helpful when it comes to family secrets that everyone denies but I've sensed for a long time. Like in The Emperor with No Clothes, I was treated as though I was imagining things or I was too sensitive. Learning that I'm the only one in my family (and I looked at A LOT of charts) with Saturn conjunct South Node helps make sense of my life and what I've experienced and why it's so different from everyone else in my immediate family."

"Again, great program. I'm really excited to keep working through the material! It's a great value for the money. Thank you, again!!"

"As a practicing Astrologer, I learned SO much about how to dissect family patterns."

"I really appreciate your courses. And Caro’s way to talk about it and guide us. Very pleasant and so professional too, great respect and as the french say “ chapeau!"

"Thank you for offering this course at such a reasonable price. It was very enjoyable and informative and helpful for my personal growth and expansion of astrology knowledge!"

"This class came at the PERFECT time! I have been trying for a year to get family birth certificates after YEARS of ancestry research. After getting birth certificates I had no idea how to put it together. There isn't much for info on family astrology. I Really cannot believe how synchronistic it was that this class came about."

"I got clarity on why/how I got entangled in unhealthy relationships. At the same time, it's made me more compassionate and less judgmental of others. We're all walking our own path, in our own way, in our own time."

"Fascinating in all its parts ... I am thrilled to know that I can go back to review what I've received."

"I enjoyed the breadth of the programme, the family examples used (Royal Family, Kennedys, Caro’s), the building of the programme incrementally over the 4 modules and Caro’s professionalism and warmth."

"Thank you for an incredibly deep and beautiful course to help us go through material that can be potentially so triggering."

"I have studied the charts of my family for years looking for patterns and answers to questions that I had about my own chart patterns but I was never really able to ground my research and find definitive answers. The information from the Transgenerational course by Astro Butterfly helped me to finally put the missing pieces of my family puzzle together. I am so glad that I came across your course! I would definitely recommend it :)"

"Your courses are truly the best!"

"It's rare that you can say that a class actually changed your life, but coupled with my deep probing, this one did. It's like a reset where I can go forward 'armed' with new information, validation, and a new perspective. Thank you ever so much!"

Frequently Asked Questions:  

Q: When does the program start and finish?

A: You get instant access to all course materials. Everything is recorded, you don't need to show up live.

Q: How long do I have access to the course?

A: You have lifetime access to the course materials and call recordings, so if life happens and you don't have time now, you can come back to the program anytime that suits you.

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: 16-20 hours to watch the videos, plus 10+ hours to apply the information.

Q: What are the program requirements?

A: To benefit the most from this program you need to have a working knowledge of planets, signs, and houses, for example, you should have an understanding of what Venus in Cancer or Saturn in the 10th house means.

This is not a course for total beginners! If you're a beginner, you will still find parts of this program valuable; however, you will most likely not be able to keep up with the complex material. If you're unsure whether the program is a good fit, contact us here with any questions.

Q: Do I need birth times for my family members?

A: You only need a birth time for yourself to determine your ancestral triangle (houses 4th, 8th, and 12th). You will need birth dates (no birth times needed) for your family members. It's rare to have birth times for family members, especially grandparents or great-grandparents; if you do, that's a nice extra, but you will still be able to derive a lot of insights (repeating placements, aspects) from charts without a birth time.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: As the program offers instant access to the course materials, there are no refunds. All sales are final.

This is what you get when you join:

4 x Content Modules "Transgenerational Astrology"

Get access to the 4-module Transgenerational Astrology framework.

All modules have accompanying tools: videos, assignments, astrology tutorials, cheatsheets, exercises, and more.

8 x Recorded Q&A calls

The recorded Q&A calls are your opportunity to clarify the concepts we study and learn from other students and chart examples.

These calls bring the concepts to life, showing how to apply the information in practical, real-world scenarios.

Community support

The program has a forum comment section which you can use to ask questions, share your experiences and learn from other students.

This interactive space allows you to exchange insights, collaborate on chart interpretations, and deepen your understanding together.

Here is a summary of the program benefits:

  • The Transgenerational Astrology unique 4-module framework (a total of 30 pre-recorded lessons + transcripts). You won't find this type of content anywhere else
  • Constructing your genogram as well as your *astrogenogram*, based on the family members' natal charts
  • Exploring the "Ancestral Triangle" as revealed by the 4th, 8th and the 12th house
  • 8 x recorded Q&A calls with examples
  • Experiential learning with assignments, prompts, reflections, examples and chart practice
  • Community sharing and support
  • Lifetime access to all course materials and recordings

Enroll in the "Transgenerational Astrology" program:

To enroll, click the yellow button below to be redirected to the purchase page.

If you have any questions, contact Astro Butterfly using this Contact Form

Pay in full $299 

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